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CQF STEAM課程設計照顧到不同年齡及學習背景的切入點,我們明白每位小朋友都獨一無異,各有所長,

無論是否適合主流學習形式的抄、寫、背,誦模式,來到CQF STEAM,讓小朋友體驗有趣的學習方式,



投考國際認証的學習路徑,CQF STEAM從小培育孩子由科技學習走向大學門檻。


CQF STEAM特點: Welcome

CQF STEAM帶領同學從科技進發未來

We cannot "Reach the sky in a single bound", in  CQF we learn to gather step by step to achievement and succeed


             STEAM COURSE

Building a Robot

STEAM 科技體驗課程

Children will learn STEAM elements in various courses by enjoying games in our lessons. This is different from traditional teaching, and helps your kid to build the basic foundation for future international verification courses.


           IGCSE 國際認受考試

Science Courses


​I/GCSE is internationally recognized high school-level certificate originated from UK. Through our CQF STEAM approach, stduents can learn various subjects through games, demonstrations and practicals. Different from the traditional spoon-feeding approach, CQF can provide a relaxing environment to let the students learn joyfully and effectively. After completing the courses, students will be assisted to take the IGCSE physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and even computer science public exam in HK and obtain these internationally recognized certificates.



                OSSD 高中證書

Fixing a Toycar


In CQF, we provide online OSSD courses which student can learn in their precious free time. The courses are provided by international verified teachers and we promise 100% for your kids to university after the course.

CQF X OSSD是一個網上遙距課程,由加拿大安省中學導師授課,OSSD等同於香中學畢業,所以OSSD証書可以投教本地或海外大學學府,CQF有十足的信心,可以幫助同學完成所有課程並獲取證書,並且100%推薦進入海外大學。

CQF STEAM特點: Activities
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